Sports physiotherapist near me – Cape Town Physiotherapy
Cape Town Physiotherapy is an easily accessible physiotherapy practice in Cape Town CBD.

Two Oceans: 5 tips to help you recover better
Good luck to all our Athletes preparing for the 2019 Two Oceans Ultra and Half-Marathon this coming Easter Weekend. If you are struggling with a pre-race niggle or muscle tightness, please do book a treatment with us as soon as possible. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a common problem after exercise and sport events which […]

How to treat ITB effectively
Are you a cyclist or a runner experiencing PAIN at the outside of your knee or hip? If so, there is a very high chance it could be a condition called Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB). Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB) presents as a sharp pain at the outside of your knee or hip, often worse when running […]
Text neck and computer back!
Text neck and computer back are very real in this digital age. A large number of our patients fall into this category and are so glad they set foot into our rooms to take positive steps to alleviating their pain which often starts as a background niggle or discomfort. We love this field of work […]

Top tip to avoid a Two Oceans injury
All the best to our Two oceans runners! The most common injuries we see after this race are lateral or outer foot, knee and hip injuries: ITB at the hip & knee and peroneal tendonitis along the outer foot and calf. Our top tip for the race: Run on the flat or middle section of […]